Staying Productive during DownTime


There are several productive ways to deal with a slow time... especially when you have not been renewed... and you have not heard from your account manager for a few weeks... and you have begun to put feelers out but nothing biting.. and not even a nibble... and especially when we KNOW that the economy is heading for a cold winter... then we KNOW that a HUGE growth curve is coming.... THEN what do you do?

How important is rest? Remember when the pressure was on, the deadline seemed impossible and you were crying uncle, saying "I cannot keep going on like this. I need a break" and dreaming of your private pacific island hide-away? OK here IS your break. Would now be a good time to take yourself up on that.

How important is it to use this time to sharpen your saw? Remember what caused your resume to get locked out of more and more projects when you let this slip once before.. Would now be a good time to take a closer look.. to see whats up with that? and would it be wise to remember what caused you to falter at the last interview. Would now be a good time to get more proficient at that?

One thing we DO have when we are between Contracts is TIME. Do we spend it growing, increasing, perfecting our fear, our self doubt, locking in further our lack of confidence OR do we choose to spend it more usefully?

SO to what EXTENT is staying productive and sharpening the saw IMPORTANT?